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“Unity is strength. When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” -Mattie Stepanek.

Dear Residents/Tenants, Family, and Staff,

Thank you for your continued prayers as we complete another week with no positive or presumptive for COVID-19. TOGETHER we hope for the day to be sooner than later that we can loosen visitor restrictions and reopen. We are continuing to move forward under IDPH recommendations to make this happen! The consent forms for resident/tenant COVID testing went out in the mail this past Wednesday. We encourage everyone to please give consent, as we need to have no positive or presumptive COVID cases within our facility before we can transition from phase 1 to phase 2 of reopening.

Palo Alto County Hospital Public Health is providing testing to all Lakeside staff on Thursday June 25th. It is the expectation that all staff will be tested on that day. It should take between 3-7 days to receive test results. As I have previously shared, it is Lakeside’s intent to notify all residents/tenants and primary family contacts by phone in the event of a positive COVID test result. I am trusting that Lakeside has been notified of any updates to phone numbers and addresses. If not, please do so as soon as possible by calling 712-852-4060.

I am happy to share that Lakeside has received two PERFECT Infection Control Surveys in the last few months from the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals! The first survey involved a virtual off-site survey to review our new COVID-19 Emergency Preparedness Policy and Procedures. The second survey involved an on-site visit to assure that Lakeside has put sufficient infection prevention processes in place to protect the health and safety of our residents/tenants and staff. We continue to work closely with IDPH, our local Public Health, and the Iowa Health Care Association to help guide us through this difficult time.

In closing, I would like to express gratitude to you all for your continued patience and support!

Take Care,

Jaime Dodd, Administrator

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