Our Mission
As witnesses to God's love, the mission of Lakeside Senior Care is to enhance the dignity of all dimensions of life.

Built by local church congregations in 1968.
That love has been the center of our care for over 55 years and counting.

Giving honor to God's word as foundational truth as it fundamentally transforms the lives of our residents and staff.
Respect the voices of all residents and staff with a willingness to seek and express truth for the health and benefit of all.
Applying knowledge-based decisions in all situations with the thought of others before self.
Care for residents and coworkers in the truth that all humans deserve respect having redeeming qualities that reflect the very image of our creator.
Everyday proves an opportunity to better oneself and those around them when guided by the principal foundation of Luke 6:31 "Just as you want others to do for you, do the same for them."