Erika is the owner of Edgewater BBQ (yum) in Emmetsburg, IA and one of our volunteers at Lakeside. When she is asked to help, it's always an immediate "how can I help, what do you need, yes to whatever you want" (no joke, she actually says that). Her typical generosity is offering food, the use of equipment, participation in our fundraisers and beautiful smiles and love for anyone and everyone.
Recently, we had a new request for her.
Sometimes nursing homes have residents with no family or friends. When this happens they/we need to find someone that is trustworthy, kind, compassionate and can make informed decisions to advocate for them about their healthcare when they can't speak for themselves...and that's exactly why we called Erika.

When someone assumes this roll, they are called a HCPA or Healthcare Power of Attorney. A healthcare power of attorney (HCPA) is a legal document that empowers a specific individual to speak with others and make decisions on their behalf concerning their medical condition, treatment, and care.
It is important to trust your HCPA, as he or she may be charged with making life-and-death decisions on your behalf. So Erika, THANK YOU for being someone of this nature and beauty! You are a blessing to Lakeside Senior Care and our community.
As a non-profit nursing home, we have several ways that people can volunteer and serve. Some opportunities, such as a HCPA, are not the normal things that come to mind, but are deeply needed. We want to encourage you to share your gifts, talents and abilities with our long term care facility or others in your neighborhood. I guarantee you, we have the perfect fit for your life purpose, maybe even something that you never even dreamed of. So please remember, you are unique and valuable in who you were created to be AND people are still good. Look right outside your door.